
Body Parts for Sale: How Much Can You Earn?

Body Parts for Sale: How Much Can You Earn?

Do you ever look at your body and think, ‘There’s got to be a way to make money with all these parts and liquids’? Well, you’re in luck because there are a surprising 10 body parts and fluids in high demand and legally sold daily in the US. Get ready to learn which ones they are and how much moolah they could bring in.

The legality of selling body parts and fluids in the United States is a complex issue. While it’s illegal to sell organs and tissues, certain body parts and fluids can be legally bought and sold. These items are used for medical research, treatments, and other purposes.

So, whether you’re looking to earn some extra cash or simply curious about this topic, read on to learn more about the body parts and fluids in high demand.

A Look at the Different Body Parts and Fluids for Sale

Are you ready to discover the top 10 body parts and fluids that can earn you some serious cash? From hair to bone marrow, there’s a wide range of options. So, let’s take a closer look at each one and see what the market has in store for us!


Donate Hair

Have you ever thought about making some extra cash with your hair? Believe it or not, human hair is in high demand for wig-making. While synthetic hair is common, many people opt for wigs made from real human hair for a more natural look and feel. The amount you can make from selling your hair will depend on factors such as color, length, thickness, and if it’s ever been dyed or if you have a history of smoking. There are online marketplaces where you can sell your locks for a pretty penny. You can also donate your hair to organizations like St. Baldrick’s, or The Little Princess Trust, which creates wigs for cancer patients. So, the next time you’re due for a haircut, consider turning those trimmings into some green.


Your stool may not seem like a valuable substance, but it can contain valuable microbes for medical research. Companies like Human Microbes are in the market for the 0.1% of people with unique health markers that offer stool worth researching. If you meet their specific criteria, you could potentially earn up to $500 per successful sample, which means you could earn up to $180,000 a year, assuming you ship daily.


Donating semen for cash has been depicted in movies and TV for decades. Still, the reality of the process is much different. Only a select few applicants, just 1%, are chosen by California Cryobank and Fairfax Cryobank, two of the largest sperm collection centers in America. This is due to low sperm counts, questionable health history, and many other factors, such as a prospective donor’s genetics. If you’re accepted, you can earn around $125 per visit, and you can donate up to twice a week.


Ready to make some big bucks by selling your eggs? Well, you might be in luck! Some institutions are willing to pay top dollar for healthy eggs. The NYU Langone Fertility Center offers a whopping $10,000 per successful donation. But before you jump at the opportunity, remember a few things. For starters, you’ll need to be between the ages of 21 and 35 and have given birth before. And don’t worry; the process is a piece of cake! You’ll simply take some fertility drugs to boost egg production, and then a quick and easy procedure will collect your eggs.


While you can’t sell your womb, you can rent it out for a nine-month lease by acting as a surrogate to birth a baby. The process can take a long time and involves:

  • Passing numerous medical tests.
  • Pairing with a set of parents.
  • Nailing down the terms of a contract.

Surrogacy is a big responsibility, but it can also be a big payday! If you’re willing to carry a baby for someone else, you could earn a lot of money. Many surrogacy agencies advertise that surrogates earn over $50,000, and that’s not including extra pay for things like monthly allowances, lost wages due to bed rest, and other fees. So, if you’re up for the challenge, surrogacy might just be the gig for you!

Breast Milk

Cash in on your lactation skills! If you have more breast milk than your little one can handle, or if you’re a new mom who is struggling to produce enough, selling breast milk could be a win-win situation. You can sell it at home with your own pump and storage containers; some organizations pay about $1 per ounce. But, for those looking for a bigger payout, some communities allow you to sell your breast milk for up to $5 an ounce. So, go ahead and turn that liquid gold into cold hard cash!



Are you tired of the same old tattoos? Why not turn your skin into a money-making machine? That’s right; you can sell your skin as advertising real estate! Sure, there’s no regulated marketplace for it, but with some creativity and salesmanship, you could be on your way to a big payout. For instance, professional boxers have been known to earn tens of thousands of dollars for sporting henna tattoos of company logos and URLs during high-profile fights. You don’t have to be a pro athlete to cash in on this trend, either. One woman made headlines by selling her forehead on eBay for $10,000, and a man sold his forehead online for a whopping $40,000 back in 2005. In fact, one gym chain even gave people money in exchange for tattooing the company logo on their bodies!

Blood Plasma

Blood plasma is the liquid part of your blood, which makes up around 55% of your blood supply. You can get paid for donating blood plasma, which is used to develop new pharmaceutical treatments and help patients with immunodeficiencies. The requirements for donating blood plasma vary depending on where you live, and you need to meet certain criteria such as age, size, and medical history. Many places offer up to $500 for your first month of plasma donations, and regular donors can receive about $40 per visit. In the US, there is a current plasma shortage due to the pandemic, making it more valuable than ever.

Bone Marrow

Bone marrow is a vital component of the human body, responsible for producing blood cells. In the past, selling bone marrow was illegal in the United States, but a court case in California changed that in 2011. If you’re a match for someone in need of a bone marrow transplant, you can receive compensation for your donation. The payment amount can be up to $700 for a 60-minute procedure. There are two types of bone marrow donation, surgical and non-surgical, so it’s important to know which one you’re signing up for.

Whole Body

You can also make money by donating your whole body to clinical studies and trials. These studies take place at hospitals, universities, and pharmaceutical companies and help advance new treatments that could save lives. However, it’s important to know what you are getting into and keep in mind that some trials of new treatments may come with health risks. Some studies may also require you to have unique physical characteristics or be willing to push yourself to the extreme. For example, Steve-O received $2,000 for participating in a dangerous medical study.

Body Parts

As you can see, there are many different body parts and fluids that you can sell or donate to make money, each with its own requirements and earning potential. Whether you choose to donate hair, stool, semen, eggs, womb, breast milk, skin, blood plasma, bone marrow, or your whole body, you can make a positive impact on people’s lives while also making some cash.

Understanding the Risks and Requirements of Selling Body Parts and Fluids

Before deciding to sell any body part or fluid, it’s important to understand the specific requirements and regulations for each one. For example, to donate semen, you must meet certain health requirements, such as having a low sperm count or a questionable health history and be between the ages of 21 and 35. Additionally, the process of donating eggs requires taking fertility drugs and undergoing a minor surgical procedure. Selling your skin as real estate for advertising involves a long-term commitment, as tattoos can be difficult to remove or cover-up.

It’s also important to know the potential risks of selling body parts and fluids. For example, donating bone marrow is a medical procedure that carries some risk to your health. Similarly, participating in clinical studies and trials that require you to test experimental treatments could also pose a risk to your health.

Before participating in any type of body part or fluid sale, it’s important to research and understand the regulations and requirements and the potential risks involved. Make sure you’re fully informed and comfortable with the process before proceeding.