
Mortal Kombat 12: The Next Chapter in Fighting Game History

Mortal Kombat 12: The Next Chapter in Fighting Game History

Are you ready for another round of Mortal Kombat? Because it looks like we might be getting a new addition to the franchise soon! Speculation and rumors have been swirling about the announcement and release of Mortal Kombat 12, and it’s time to dive into the details.

In a recent earnings call for Warner Bros Discovery, the CEO mentioned that Mortal Kombat 12 is set to be released this year. This is huge news for fans of the franchise and has everyone buzzing about what’s to come. But the real question on everyone’s mind is when will we get our first official look at Mortal Kombat 12?

Well, it seems like the wait might not be too long. According to the earnings call, the announcement of Mortal Kombat 12 is set to happen in April 2023. That’s right, in just a few short months, we could be getting our first glimpse at what’s in store for the next installment of Mortal Kombat.

But why April? Why not reveal it at a big event like the Game Awards or E3?

When it comes to big game announcements, there are a few events that come to mind. From Evo, the world’s largest fighting game tournament, to the Game Awards, E3 and the DICE Awards, it’s always exciting to see what new games will be revealed. But when it comes to Mortal Kombat 12, it seems that these events won’t be the platform for the announcement.

First up, Evo. As one of the biggest fighting game tournaments in the world, it’s a place where new games are often revealed. However, NetherRealm Studios, the developer behind Mortal Kombat, doesn’t seem to follow the trend. They prefer to host their own reveal events instead of relying on a big tournament. It’s a testament to their popularity and the backing they receive from Warner Bros, the media conglomerate that funds the franchise.

Next, we have the Game Awards. This event takes place towards the end of the year and it’s unlikely that Mortal Kombat 12 will be revealed so far in advance. In fact, it’s expected that the game will be playable long before the Game Awards take place.

The DICE Awards are another event that’s been ruled out. While it’s not a very popular event, there are three people from NetherRealm attending. However, the low attendance numbers make it unlikely that Mortal Kombat 12 will be revealed here.

Mortal Kombat 12

Finally, we have E3. This event has the most potential for a game reveal, especially since Warner Bros has revealed Mortal Kombat content at E3 in the past. However, this year’s E3 will not have Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo, making it a less desirable platform for a big game reveal. With the big video game publishers opting to do their own events, it doesn’t make sense for Mortal Kombat 12 to be revealed at E3.

The Renaissance of Fighting Games

The world of gaming is constantly evolving and there’s always something new and exciting to keep us entertained. And right now, the fighting game genre is experiencing a major revival. With the anticipation of upcoming titles like Mortal Kombat 12, Street Fighter 6, and Tekken 8, fans of the genre are more excited than ever.

This renewed interest in fighting games can be attributed to a few factors. For starters, the graphics in these games are getting better and better, making them look more and more realistic with each release. Additionally, the characters in these games are becoming more diverse, with a wider range of backgrounds, abilities, and personalities.

But it’s not just the games themselves that are contributing to the renaissance of the fighting game genre. It’s also the fans. The excitement around upcoming titles like Mortal Kombat 12 is palpable, and fans are eagerly speculating about which characters will make an appearance in the game. Will we see old favorites like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, or will there be new characters to discover? Only time will tell.

The release of Mortal Kombat 12 and other upcoming fighting games is contributing to a resurgence in the genre. With better graphics, more diverse characters, and the excitement of fans, there’s never been a better time to be a fan of fighting games. So gear up, get ready to throw down, and let the games begin!